Tata Harper Skincare
Founded by woman's health advocate Tata Harper, Tata Harper Skincare is a Vermont- based skincare & wellness company that uses only100% Natural and Non-Toxic ingredients to create world class, highly effective antiaging products that nourish the skin and the spirit. Her products boast up to 29 potent active ingredients in each bottle and work wonders by fighting free radicals, providing essential botanical vitamins, refreshing, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. An engineer by training and an entrepreneur by experience, Tata felt compelled to offer women delicious yet results-oriented skin care solutions that are safe, healthy and 100% natural.
Our products contain NO parabens, NO sulfates, and NO pthalates.
Each of our products is 100% free of any synthetics.
All products are made and distributed from the Julius Kingdom Farm in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.