In Issue #13: Fall 2023

In 1972, my home and our family businesses were wiped out by Hurricane Agnes. It was devastating and we rebuilt. But the details of my story are for another time.
I could not let the stories of the Vermont communities hit by the July 10 flood, the early heat and late freeze in spring, and the ongoing summer rains go untold. My friend, my partner, and my hero—Maria Buteux Reade—zigged and zagged across the state, to places nearly unreachable to tell your stories.
I am in awe of what she accomplished and proud to be a Vermonter and do what I do to be able to document your stories of loss, perseverance, compassion, strength, and community. Unfortunately, we could not print every one of the stories told and for that we are sorry.
Advertising partners, thank you for your support, understanding, and assistance in getting this issue together. Because of that, Edible Vermont is able donate a portion of its revenue to flood-relief efforts.
Readers, please give with your pocketbook to the organizations mentioned and patronize local businesses. Remember—without complaint—these are the farmers, grocers, restaurants, and producers who worked tirelessly during the pandemic to sustain us. Please give back to them now.
We are open for business and with open arms. We are Vermont strong.
Marcia Lissak